MaxFM Waingapu, SUMBA – Thousands of East Sumba residents flocked to Pelabuhan Rakyat (Pelra) in Waingapu to witness the spectacular unfurling of a 340-meter-long Red and White flag, which stretched across and connected two seaports in the city.
East Sumba Regent Khristofel Praing, along with other local leaders, participated in the event by descending from the Pelra dock onto the Polairud ship. They then navigated the length of the flag, greeting Waingapu fishermen, and members of the TNI and Polri stationed on their respective boats, as the Red and White flag was displayed
In a press conference following the flag unfurling, Regent Praing explained that this event was born from a deep love for Indonesia and serves as a reminder of the Red and White flag’s role in uniting all citizens.
“We come from different backgrounds—different ethnicities, religions, and political choices. Today, we stand separated by the sea from the residents on the other side of the port. But when we talk about the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), it is the Red and White flag that unites us. Today’s display of the flag connecting the two sides of Waingapu’s seaports is a symbol of this unity,” Regent Praing said on Saturday, August 17, 2024, at Pelra Waingapu.
The scene at Pelra was vibrant, with crowds filling the old and new sides of the port, as well as the Nusantara Seaport on the west side of Pelra Waingapu. Residents from various parts of Waingapu came in droves, like waves of the sea, to the edge of the dock to witness this historic moment up close.
For many Waingapu residents, it was the first time seeing such a massive Red and White flag, measuring 340 meters in length, being paraded around the city and welcomed by. [HD]
Translator : Itha Priyastiti