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El Nino Strikes, Less Rain in Sumba
Posted by maxfm on 4th Januari 2024
The clouds are hanging in Tana Mbanas of Central Sumba Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur [Photo : Heinrich Dengi]

MaxFM WAINGAPU – By the end of December 2023, most areas on the island of Sumba have yet to receive any rainfall.

Ryan Sudrajat, the observer at Kupang Meteorological and Geophysical Agency, said that the three zones have entered the rain seasons. The three zones are zones 4,6 and 7. The information was delivered via a phone interview with Radio MaxFM during the “Warga Bicara” program.

“Those who have experienced rain are the eastern part of West Sumba, the southern part of Central Sumba, and the central part of East Sumba,” Sudrajat suggested (Wed, 27/12/2023).

Sudrajat explained further that other than the areas mentioned, they have yet to enter the rainy season. He suggested that the severe effect of El Nino in Sumba and some regions in the NTT provinces has caused less rain.

“During the second ten days of December 2023, between 11 to Dec 20th, the El Nino effect is strong.”

According to data from the Climatological and Meteorological Agency, Sudrajat said the chance of rain would occur in the second ten days in January 2024.

As for the first ten-day period of January 2024, from Jan 1st to Jan 10th, the rainfall is expected to be between 21 and 50 mm, with a possible estimation of 71 to 90 percent. Entering the second ten days of January 2024, from Jan 11th to Jan 20th, rainfall is expected to rise to 51-100mm [HD] [Translator : Itha Priyastiti]

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