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Rihi Eti Racecourse is Back!
Posted by maxfm on 24th Oktober 2021
Gisel : Beginner 1

MaxFM, Waingapu – English – After more than a year of practically unused, Rihi Eti, a local racecourse in Waingapu, has begun to get busy. Today (Sunday, October 24, 2021), large spectating crowds were seen to flock to the stadium.

One of the spectators said that people have started to come to the racecourse, also known as Lapangan Prailiu. Further, he added that during October 2021, Lapangan Prailiu has always been crowded every Sunday.

Horse owners come from every corner of East Sumba, namely Lambanapu, Maulumbi, Bidipraing, and Wairinding. The horses coming to the racecourse today are not necessarily those who have participated in the previous races. Many of them have not been raced or have not been given racing names.

Stesi: Beginner 1

Among horses coming to Rihi Eti today, here is the list of those ready to race: Gisel, Stesi, Bos Muda, Karabang Marada, and some have not been given names by their owners.

Through today’s observation on the spot, visitors were crowding the arena. The benches stationed near the finish line of the course were packed with spectators of all ages.

Usually, municipals or agencies organize annual horse racing, but it is found out that today’s race was not the usual official event. Instead, the race has been initiated by horse lovers and enthusiasts. [Translator: Itha Priyastiti]

Bos Muda : Beginner 2

Karabang Marada A racehorse from Lambanapu. Jockey: Jio

Jockey: Gio

A large spectating crowd at Rihi Eti racecourse today

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